Sunday, April 5, 2009

Raining Pink

Saturday morning while in Daegu for my medical exam I noticed that some of the cherry blossom trees are starting to fade. It was really beautiful. In any direction I looked, there would be hundreds of white-pink petals drifting to the ground; it was like walking through cherry curtains.

Gyeongju is amazing in the spring. It's super people oriented. You can be walking around and stumble upon a park with benches hugging the trunks of the biggest trees. There are people biking, hiking, skateboarding, eating sushi outside of 7-11s, holding hands, taking in the scenery. The locals are starting to recognize me which is almost kind of nice. Case in point: last night Diane and I were about to part ways at Lotte when a Korean man walked past us and said "Lo-La?" pointing to Diane. And I said, "No, I'm Laura". And he goes "Sisters?" And Diane says, "Nai". Nai meaning yes, we are sisters, and why do you know my name? I suppose it's good though. They need a shock of culture in their homogeneous town. At least they aren't staring as much as they were in the beginning.

Anyway. You know how I said it better be warm by the time I post again? :)
It's in the high 60s/low 70s all week this week. And according to my lifeline, the coolest it is going to get in the next 15 days is 62. I know it's snowing back home. But hey. At least the Michigan weather keeps you on your toes!

I bought a guitar yesterday after my trip to the acupuncturist. The guitar is a Charpel. I got it from the man who owns the Yamaha shop in Sunggong dong-- my new favorite Korean. He's super old, super funny, a total hippie and laughs like he's never laughed before. He included a free "kah-po" and a case which I thought was kind.

I had acupuncture for my back which has been murder and for my legs which also haven't improved, even with the physical therapy. And the acupuncture helped a lot. I am going back tomorrow morning so she can work on my balance. When I saw her yesterday she put her hand on my back and said, in a very soothing voice, "You have... five vertebrae in your back. One, two, three, four, five. Vertebrae four is... mm.. how do I say... behind other vertebrae. I fix it and in three weeks you will be well." I felt amazing after seeing her. And it was also really nice to have her say specifically what was wrong with my back. I went with my friend Maria, whose right shoulder, if touched, would make her wince in pain. She's had this problem for years. As we were walking out of the office, I could touch Maria's shoulder and it didn't hurt her for the first time in a long time. Pretty incredible. I highly recommend it.

Yesterday sort of dragged on, though. I have a feeling this week is going to be like that. I just want it to be Friday again.


  1. We have so much in common!! I look forward to cherry blossoms here too along with warmer temps and of course, Friday!! Like mother like daughter:)

    Hugs and kisses from HW to Soko

  2. I hope you kept some of those flowers like we talked about! B-e-a-utiful! I'm glad they are getting used to you, it would drive me crazy to be gawked at all day!



  3. Now that you have a guitar, wow, new teaching possibilites open up which I'm sure you're been looking forward to. Start practicing the ABC song! Your kiddoes are going to love this.

    Do they have matzoh in Korea? Happy Passover!

  4. Hi dolly,

    Finally warmer temps, eh? I'm so stinkin jealous......really I am happy for you. But this snow has got to go! A week ago I was on the patio with your mother. Damn Michigan.

    Anyway, I can't believe your back will be better in 3 weeks. I know some people that would probably benefit from that procedure. All the complaining that they do about back issues causes a pain in my a**. :) Maybe I need to check it out too!! :) On that happy good. Talk later.

    Love you,

  5. hey lo
    gyeongju sounds awesome as the seasons turn.
    please, take pictures and send them or post them.. whatever has to be done.
    have fun with your new geetar!

  6. Again, is this Jeff Ro or Jeff G? Must specify! :)

    And I will take more pictures. And by that, I mean I will take my friends pictures from their facebooks and post them on here giving them photo credit because it's just easier.

