I was watching Larry King today on CNN and there was a panel of people discussing the importance of positive thinking, which would lead to positive thoughts, which would then inevitably lead to good karma. You get back the positive energy you exude, and when someone else is making the decision to be cruel or unkind to you, that is their karma, not yours. It is your decision to then either allow their negativity to be mirrored within yourself or to ignore it, learn from it, and grow as an individual.
The panel also touched on the importance of letting go of the past. Because if we are continually living in aforementioned moments of our lives that have affected us negatively, we will never be able to make progress. That being said, it was discussed that it is also important to make mistakes, because as you all know, without the bad, there would be no satisfaction.
Forgiveness is key, because you never know the initial spark that was ignited in someone to make them do something hurtful. When I say hurtful, I mean in any way. Maliciously, unintentionally, subtly, outwardly, etcetera. Without forgiveness, you cannot let go of pain. But it's all cyclical, isn't it? If you are like me, then you might have the tendency to hold onto pain, because "misery loves company". This does not mean I am miserable, but I, like anyone, have moments where I need to vent my frustrations to people close to me. But by venting my frustrations that means I am seeking not only advice, but attention. Yes, I would like you to sympathize with me because I am only one person, and feeling bad for myself doesn't make me feel any better. But if YOU can at least pretend to understand, or even better, if you can relate to me, then I am no longer alone in my seemingly lonely thoughts and emotions. Therefore, holding onto pain (although I realize is not the healthiest thing to do) connects back to the person that I am now, at this moment, sitting in my chair typing into the (relatively) unknown. Talking to no one and everyone at the same time.
Guilty people seek punishment. Forgiveness is key. You get what you give. You should learn to let go of your past and forgive yourself rather than waiting for others to forgive you first. I suppose it wouldn't be until that happened would you be able to begin any kind of path to self-acceptance and discovery.

There are roses like these lining the streets of Gyeongju. Sometimes I pick one and put it in my hair. I wonder how hard it is to grow them...? There are so many rose bushes sprinkled around the city that I don't think the bushes themselves would miss any of their rose sisters which I've plucked and have used for vain purposes. Right? Hmm. I am having a really hard time ending this post cleverly.
I love this post. I wish I could be there for you more often, and you for me. We don't talk that much since my life is in a whirlwind all the time right now, as is yours, but I am always thinking of you. I hear your song on the radio, eat tabbouleh, or simply need to hear your advice on my two favorite people and I go into a bout of remembrance.
ReplyDeleteI love you and miss you like crazy. Call me soon, ok?
Muwah, Jacks
Oh my dear Jackie. Have you ran away with the circus (de soleil) yet? I can only assume from your comment that you have, hence your whirlwind circus type lifestyle. I am jealous.
ReplyDeleteWhen you say you hear my song, are you referring to I'm Yours? If so, you do know me well. If not, maybe you can teach me something about myself that I am unaware of.
As for tabbouleh, oh my GOD I miss it so much. They don't have it here, and I am clueless in the kitchen so you know it's not like I can whip it up when the craving hits.
Your comment was so sweet, and I am ALWAYS thinking about you, Kalamazoo, my (our) senior year together, and Eldred Street. And tinfoil (or was it cellophane?) being put on the the window to keep bad men out. :)
Let's set up a G-Video chat soon. I'll email you when I get off work today. I love you!
great entry!! Lots of thought provoking words.
ReplyDeleteI'm thinking that when you travel so far from all that's familiar, you open yourself up for personal growth in ways you couldn't have imagined. It would be awesome to meet up with a Budhist monk and talk about these things. As for tabbouleh, buy some parsley, garlic, lemon, cucumber, onion, and olive oil. chop and blend. Good luck!
Hahaha it was tinfoil!
ReplyDeleteAlso, I have yet to run away with the circus but my boss is tossing my head around in 18 different directions. I am also trying to put together a trip to go visit tressy in NC, I was in Chicago twice in two weeks, and I've been up to the cottage every chance I get. Not very strenuous but still very chaotic. I will get everything I want done before I leave July 5th. Life goal.
My assumption is that I will have more time to talk to you once I start at Cirque. I will be on my computer 24/7. Right now my main concern is vitamin D via sunshine and friends.
Oh ya, and the song is I'm yours. How could it not be? Everytime I hear it on the radio (which is all the time), I just picture you on our front porch singing and giggling half way through cause me and Tony start singing. Which, we both know is a hilarious sight!
Love is missing someone whenever you're apart, but somehow feeling warm inside because you're close in heart. ~Kay Knudsen